Lifestyle Coaching is an important component of intervention used against potentially preventable chronic diseases.
Coaching will help you identify goals (what you want), overcome obstacles (why you're stuck), and develop individualized plans (how to overcome) to achieve specific health and life goals with practical solutions, moving forward in clarity, inspirations, and momentum for inevitable success.
The role of coaching is to help you get "healthy” in all three domains of well-being: physical wellbeing, emotional well-being, and cognitive well-being.
Health and life are closely bounded and interdependent.
At Citrus Living, we use evidence-based techniques to help you achieve long-term wellness. To find out if you are ready:
The alarming statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention about chronic diseases and conditions such as heart disease, stroke, cardiovascular disease, hypertension, heart failure, cancer, hormonal imbalance, high blood pressure, diabetes, obesity and arthritis.
“As of 2012, about half of all adults—117 million people—had one or more chronic health conditions. One of four adults had two or more chronic health conditions."
Lifestyle medicine not only prevent chronic disease, but more effectively and less expensive than rely on drugs and surgery.
Lifestyle choices is directly connected to our health and how we feel.
A Coach is not a doctor or nurse, not a registered dietitian, not a therapist.
Healthcare Professional (doctor, nurse, dietitian, and therapist) develop the protocols and treatment plans for patients.
Coach is trained to support and partner with you to follow the Healthcare Professional's directives to prevent, manage, or reverse disease or illness. The inner and outer habit change work that is truly needed and get results.
You may have all the nutrition information in the world, amino acids, supplements, diet recommendations, etc., but if no action is taken, or anything is done with it, it is meaningless.
How to eat for optimal health, from meal planning to grocery shopping, our workshops cover all aspects of healthy eating.